Permian Team drills 7-7/8" Curve Section in record time of 9.5 IADC hours!

Great performance comes from doing a thousand little things right. Record breaking performance achieved once again by our Permian teams!
Thank you to our operator personnel for your unmatched and excellence in leadership, Directional Drillers, Curve Specialists, MWDs, Remote Operations Center (ROC) personnel, support team, rig crew, and mud engineers. The GeoGuidance Juggernaut mud motors hold the record in the Permian Basin. 

The GeoGuidance Drilling Team drilled a 7-7/8″ Curve Section time in less than 9.5 IADC hours!

#teamwork #leadership #recordbreaking #permianbasin

For more information, please contact:   

Josh Kyles (President)
661-833-9999 California Office
936-449-4002 Texas Office
661-304-7577 Cell
661-833-9804 Fax
California Operations
200 Old Yard Dr., Bakersfield, Ca. 93307
Texas Operations
20820 FM2584, Montgomery, Tx. 77316